Sigma 24 mm F1.4 Art annonsert

Sigma har fått utrolig mye god kritikk for Art-objektivene de har lansert den siste tiden, spesielt Sigma 35 mm F1.4 Art og Sigma 50 mm F1.4 Art. Sigma 18-35 mm F1.8 Art for APS-C/DX-kameraer får også veldig god kritikk for bildekvaliteten. Det er dog noen av testene som nevner at de har litt problemer med nøyaktigheten til autofokusen innimellom. Jeg selv har både Sigma 35 mm F1.4 Art og Sigma 50 mm F1.4 Art i kamerasekken. Og det er ikke noen tvil om at dette er utrolig gode objektiver som er utrolig skarpe og ikke minst har en veldig bra oppløsning. Jeg gleder meg derfor meg over at ryktene om at det skulle komme en Sigma 24 mm F1.4 Art viste seg å stemme! Det er snart to uker siden Sigma 24 mm F1.4 Art ble annonsert offisielt i sammenheng med CP+ fotomessen i Japan.

24 mm er en utrolig anvendelig brennvidde. De aller fleste normal zoomobjektiver pleier å begynne på et sted mellom 24 og 28 mm. Det er som regel nok vidvinkel til de aller fleste motiver, samtidig som det ikke blir for mye vidvinkel. Det er nok derfor ikke noen tvil om at jeg skal ha dette objektivet i fotosekken også. Jeg er ikke helt sikker på når objektiver kommer til å dukke opp i butikkene enda, men det ryktes om at det vil dukke opp med Canon-fatning i slutten av mars og med Nikon-fatning i slutten av april. Det er med andre ord ihvertfall over 2 måneder til jeg har mulighet til å få tak i dette objektivet. Men innen jeg kjøper objektivet, vil jeg aller helst lese noen tester av objektiver først. Men jeg ser ingen grunn til at dette skal være så veldig forskjellig i kvalitet fra de to andre Art-objektivene med blender F1.4. Men det er allikevel greit å lese noen tester før man legger pengene på bordet. Eller drar VISA-kortet, for den saks skyld.

Her er den offisielle pressemeldingen fra Sigma:

YOKOHAMA, Japan – February 10, 2015 – Sigma Corporation of America, a leading researcher, developer, manufacturer and service provider of some of the world’s most impressive lines of lenses, cameras and flashes, today announced the new Sigma 24mm F1.4 DG HSM Art lens, the ninth Global Vision lens to join the company’s iconic Art line-up. The announcement comes at the start of the CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging Show 2015, which begins on Feb. 12 in Yokohama, Japan.

The much anticipated 24mm F1.4 Art wide angle lens is designed for full-frame DSLRs, and when used on digital cameras with an APS-C size image sensor, it effectively becomes a 38mm. The lens is ideal for capturing a variety of photography subjects, including cityscapes, mountain ranges, astrophotography and weddings and is great for videography work as well. The 24mm also excels at indoor photography in low illumination thanks to the combination of exceptional focal plane sharpness, and gorgeous bokeh rendered by nine rounded aperture blades. The lens achieves a maximum magnification of 1:5.3 with a minimum focusing distance of 9.8 inches. The 24mm incorporates both «F» Low Dispersion (FLD) glass and Special Low Dispersion (SLD) glass in a design of 15 elements in 11 groups to minimize chromatic aberration of magnification especially in the edge of the image field. Moreover, the optimized power layout includes aspherical elements that are positioned in the rear of the lens for improved wide open performance. This helps to ensure minimal distortion through the correction of axial chromatic aberration and sagittal coma flare. The new lens element design also delivers excellent peripheral brightness.

«The Sigma Art lenses are recognized by photographers for world-class performance, and the new 24mm F1.4 DG HSM will be a significant contribution to our selection of fast aperture prime lenses which is quickly becoming a strong force in the industry» said Mark Amir-Hamzeh, president of Sigma Corporation of America. «Sigma is redefining the expectations of fast-aperture full-frame prime lens performance, especially wide-open, and the results the 24mm F1.4 will deliver will be up to the exacting standards set by the 35mm F1.4 DG HSM and 50mm F1.4 DG HSM.»

Other updates to this lens include a new full-time manual focusing mechanism that switches to manual focusing, simply by rotating the focus ring, even when AF is being used, first introduced on the 50mm Art. This allows the photographer to make focus adjustments quickly and easily. As with all new lenses under the Global Vision categories, every 24mm will be tested using Sigma’s own MTF measuring system, «A1,» in the company’s factory in Japan.

Other lenses in the Art line include 35mm F1.4 DG HSM, 30mm F1.4 DC HSM, 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM, 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM, 50mm F1.4 DG HSM, 19mm F2.8 DN, 30mm F2.8 DN and 60mm F2.8 DN.

The 24mm F1.4 is compatible with Sigma’s USB dock, allowing photographers to update the lens’ firmware and change focus parameters as well as manual focus over-ride using Sigma’s Optimization Pro software. It is also compatible with Sigma’s Mount Conversion Service. The lens will be available in Canon, Nikon and Sigma mounts, and timing, pricing and availability will be announced at a later date.

Her er spesifikasjonene:

Sigma 24mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
Minimum Aperture    f/16
Angle of View    84.1°
Lens Construction    15 elements in 11 groups
Special Glass    3 FLD, 4 SLD and 2 Aspheric glass elements
Filter Size    77mm
Minimum Focusing Distance    25 cm / 9.8 in
Maximum Magnification    1:5.3 (0.19×)
Diaphragm Blades    9 (rounded)
Size (Diameter x Length)    85 x 90.2 mm / 3.3 x 3.6 in
Weight    665 g / 23.5 oz
US Price    $849
Availability    Late March 2015

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