Honda trekker seg fra Formel 1 med øyeblikkelig virkning

For to dager siden meldte Honda Motors at salget i USA hadde falt med 32 prosent i forhold til samme periode i fjor. I dag har Honda F1 Racing meldt at de trekker seg fra Formel 1 med øyeblikkelig virkning. De skylder på sviktende bilsalg og kan ikke forsvare å bruke slike summer på deres Formel 1-satsing lengre. Honda-ledelsen skal vistnok holde liv i teamet i tre måneder i håp om å få solgt teamet til andre eiere. Men det kan nok bli vanskelig i disse finsanskrise-tider. I tillegg må en ny eier finne seg nye sponsorer, siden Honda F1 Racing valgte å kvitte seg med alle sine sponsorer for noen år siden.

Pressemeldingen fra Honda F1 Racing:

We, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., have come to the conclusion that we will withdraw from all Formula 1 activities, making 2008 the last season of participation.

This difficult decision has been made in light of the quickly deteriorating operating environment facing the global auto industry, brought on by the sub-prime problem in the United States, the deepening credit crisis and the sudden contraction of the world economies.

Honda must protect its core business activities and secure the long term as widespread uncertainties in the economies around the globe continue to mount.

A recovery is expected to take some time.

Under these circumstances, Honda has taken swift and flexible measures to counter this sudden and expansive weakening of the marketplace in all business areas.

However, in recognition of the need to optimize the allocation of management resources, including investment regarding the future, we have decided to withdraw from Formula 1 participation.

We will enter into consultation with the associates of Honda Racing F1 Team and its engine supplier Honda Racing Development regarding the future of the two companies.

This will include offering the team for sale.

In its third era of Formula 1 activities, Honda has been participating in Formula 1 races from the 2000 season, initially with BAR, by adopting a new format of jointly developing racing machines.

Subsequently, in a move to meet the changing environment surrounding Formula 1, we switched to running a 100% Honda-owned team commencing with the 2006 season.

Surmounting many challenges, the Honda Team achieved a grand prix victory in 2006, enabling Honda to receive overwhelming support from Honda fans around the world that were looking forward to greater success.

It, therefore, has been an extremely difficult decision for us to come to this conclusion without having been able to fully meet the expectations of our fans.

By making the best of what we have learned during these times of economic turmoil, coupled with the spirit of challenge gained through active participation in racing, we intend to continue with our commitment in meeting new challenges.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our fans and all those who have supported Honda’s Formula 1 efforts, including everyone in the world of Formula 1.

Thank you very much.

Takeo Fukui
President and CEO
Honda Motor Co., Ltd.

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